Below is a small selection of projects undertaken for various clients both large and small.
No project is the same. However, the examples below act as a flavour for the range of tasks that we have undertaken.
Edwards & Edwards Consultancy Ltd were commissioned to work with Leicester City Council to produce the bid that secured £32.5M of Government funds to provide new sustainable travel initiatives and infrastructure in Leicester. Following the award EAE continued to support the development of the schemes and to produce the Full Business Case that led to the sign-off and approval of each of the schemes.
Local Plan Support – Transport South of Leicester Transport Study
Edwards & Edwards Consultancy Ltd were commissioned to produce a transport study to support the district councils 2036 Local Plans. The purpose was to highlight the possible highways impacts and determine possible mitigation.
Edwards & Edwards Consultancy Ltd have been commissioned by Parish Councils to provide evidence to help understand and resolve transport issues and to define policy within their communities. Examples include Hoby Parish Council, Burton and Dalby Parish Council and Lubenham Parish Council.
Edwards & Edwards Consultancy Ltd were commissioned to work with and support officers of Leicester City Council to produce the transport evidence to support the 2020 to 2036 Local Plan submission. We prepared supporting documents and attended the Enquiry In Public to present transport evidence and answer questions from the Inspectors and stakeholders.
Sunrise Poultry Ltd
The local Highway Authority raised a highway objection to the development. Having considered the impacts of the development and carried out a swept path analysis of the site layout and access, EAE advised alterations to the site access, and suggested that the applications provide passing places on the road leading to it. A highway report to support the application was produced which addressed the concerns raised by the LHA.
Having considered the report, the LHA have now amended their advice to the Local Planning Authority, advising conditional approval of the planning application.
Avant Homes
Highway inspections are carried out on behalf of the developer until Section 38 is signed with the local authority and their inspectors can take over the work.
These scheduled inspections and the resulting snagging lists compiled are carried out to ensure the highway works within the development concerned are constructed in accordance with the local highway authority's specification for highway works.
A full report on all highway works inspected will be submitted to the Client to be passed to the local authority as evidence of good practice and compliance.
Leicester City Council
Edwards & Edwards are currently engaged in providing AutoCAD support to Leicester City Council for the Key Workers Corridor Scheme and the SSHN (Safer Streets Healthy Neighbourhoods) initiative as well as being procured to assist with other schemes as needs arise. The procurement is ongoing.
Leicester City Council
Leicester City Council were invited by the Department for Transport (DfT) to Express an interest in bidding for a share of the TCF fund to be spent on infrastructure up to the end of 2023.
EAE were appointed to lead on the bid response and to produce the DfT WebTAG compliant Strategic Outline Business Case (SOBC) that would form the bid document for this programme. EAE worked with City Council Officers, DfT Officers and other stakeholders to produce the bid document with a draft submitted in November 2019. The result was that the City Council was awarded £33M in March 2020 to deliver around 20 transport schemes £70M of transport infrastructure.
The schemes are scheduled to be delivered between 2020 and 2023 and EAE are working with the City Council to develop each scheme to produce a Full Business Case.
Leicestershire County Council
In Phase 1 EAE were asked to review the various sections and aspects of the existing Leicestershire Highways Design Guide including a 'light touch' review of associated strategic plans and policies to indicate how a revised design guide would impact on other existing council documents.
In Phase 2 EAE were asked to consult with various internal and external stakeholders. Following these consultations EAE were required to propose a draft structure for a new guide.
Leicestershire County Council / Leicester City Council
The Board was established in response to the Government's firm intention to devolve funding for major local transport schemes to Local Transport Bodies (LTBs) from 2015. The Leicester and Leicestershire Transport Board (LLTB) is the LTB for Leicester and Leicestershire and is a voluntary partnership between Leicester City Council, Leicestershire County Council and the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership.
Edwards & Edwards are the lead consultants to LLTB, helping them decide which transport investments should be prioritised.
Leicestershire County Council
Edwards & Edwards were lead consultants on the Local Pinch Point Fund Bid (Feb 2013) - M1 'A Bridge to Growth' submitted by Leicestershire County Council for £5.0 million to the Department for transport's (DfT) Local Pinch Point Fund (LPPF).
The bid focused on bringing forward the construction of a bridge over the M1 to facilitate and accelerate residential development of 4,250 dwellings and associated employment area. The bid involved working with numerous stakeholders including Blaby District Council, the Highways Agency, Leicester & Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership, Leicester City Council, the developer consortium, and their consultants.
Leicester City Council
Edwards & Edwards drafted transport related comments on behalf Leicester City Council and represented Leicester City Council on both the Transport Group and the Project Group for the Lubbesthorpe SUE. The application included proposals for 4,250 dwellings and associated infrastructure including two motorway bridges (one across the M1 and one across the M69), two primary schools, one secondary school, shops, workspaces, community Hall, a 21-hectare employment site, cafes, bars and a pub, health centre, leisure facilities, parks, open spaces, and allotments.
Edwards & Edwards have previously been involved in similar developments including Thurmaston SUE, Ashton Green Hallam Fields, Birstall and the Leicester Eco-town.
Leicestershire County Council / Leicester City Council
This assesses the infrastructure required to deliver proposed regeneration and growth across the HMA up to 2026, The assessment shows, at a high level, the infrastructure requirements that arise from growth, how much this infrastructure costs, its funding, and implications for delivery. The assessment forms an important part of the evidence base for the Core Strategy.
E&E represented the Highway Authority on behalf of Leicester City Council.
Leicestershire City Council
E&E occupies several advisory roles with Leicester City Council including:
City Centre Car Parking Strategy Supplementary Planning Document (SPD): Development of the City Parking Strategy for Leicester City Council. This document was formally adopted by the Council in March 2011.
Impact of Housing Growth on the Leicester PUA: Project management on behalf of Leicestershire City Council in partnership with Leicestershire County Council and the Highways Agency (HA). The project utilises PTOLEMY, the transport/Land use model. This project is fully funded by New Growth Point (NGP).
Nottinghamshire County Council
E&E lead this research for Nottinghamshire County Council based on the DCLG document 'Residential Car Parking Research' (2007). This involved obtaining a Queen's Crown Copyright Click-Use Licence, use of 2001 Census Data, TEMPRO data and consulting with officers and the Local Planning Authorities plus a series of presentations and committee meetings.
The document was published in December 2009 and provides valuable assistance to the Nottinghamshire Local Planning Authorities as evidence base for their Local Development Frameworks.
Edwards & Edwards Consultancy Ltd have been offering specialist advice and support relating to traffic, travel, and planning for over 25 years.
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